Health News

Know Your Kidneys and Spread the Word
During National Kidney Month in March, The National Kidney Disease Education Program (NKDEP) seeks to raise awareness about kidney health.
Heart Test and Therapy Don’ts
When it comes to heart therapies and tests, some patients and doctors have a “more is better attitude.” A group of medical societies have called more than 130 treatments and exams into question.
Women Are Heart Smarter, But There's More to be Done
February is American Heart Month, and a good time to think about how you can improve your heart health and live a heart healthy lifestyle.
In the Dark About Heart Devices
Implantable cardioverter defibrillators (ICDs) treat irregular heartbeats. While the devices have benefits, they also pose risks that doctors may not explain to patients.
Very Ill May Prefer to Turn Off Heart Device
Like pacemakers, implantable cardioverter-defibrillators (ICDs) are implanted in the chest to regulate arrhythmias (irregular heartbeats). ICDs, however, are programmed to deliver a high-voltage shock to return a heart to a normal beat.
Lose Weight in 140 Characters
Go ahead and tweet that post to your exercise buddy. It may just help shed unwanted pounds. Twitter usage can help people lose weight through the social networking site by supporting others in their attempts to get leaner.
Having a Stroke Symptom and Don’t Know It?
Having a stroke increases your risks for future strokes and death. Even having had a symptom of stroke can increase your risks.
Generic Statins as Good as Brand Name
Statins  are medications used for the treatment of high cholesterol. They come in many branded and generic forms. Does it matter which one a physician prescribes?
It's Cold, But Working Out is Cool
With the pies and cookies and new toys to play with, it can be pretty hard to keep up that fitness routine over the holidays. No need to wait ' til  after New Year's to exercise, especially with the activities that can be done outside.
Aspirin for the Heart: Go Uncoated
Taking low-dose aspirin daily has been touted for years to lower the risk of heart attack and stroke. Some people show resistance to this therapy in blood tests, but why?