Health News

Pre-Pregnancy Caffeine May Spell Trouble
Caffeine consumption in the weeks before pregnancy and during early pregnancy may be linked to miscarriage, a new study found.
Simple Factors Might Reduce Ear Infections
Higher rates of breastfeeding, use of vaccinations and lower rates of smoking may be behind lower rates of ear infections in recent years, a new study found.
Omega-3s During Pregnancy: How They Might Help Baby
Lots of research suggests that omega-3s may have health benefits for those who consume them. For pregnant women, those benefits may extend to baby.
In Late Preterm Births, This Rx Could Help Baby's Lungs
Doctors have prescribed steroids to pregnant women at risk of preterm delivery for decades. But what about those at risk of late preterm delivery?
Vitamin D in Moms-to-Be: The Effect on Kids' Asthma
Could the vitamin D in mom's diet during pregnancy affect her children's future health? Regarding asthma, that question might have been answered.
Expecting? Hold the Potatoes
Moms-to-be, here's one reason why you may want to trade that plate of fries for some veggies.
Why Folic Acid Is So Important for Women
This week is National Folic Acid Awareness Week, but the vitamin is important all year long.
The Pill: Harmful in Early Pregnancy?
Could taking birth control pills while pregnant harm a developing baby? It's unlikely, new evidence suggests.
A Breastfeeding Benefit — for Mom
Breastfeeding is known to provide a wide range of potential health benefits for babies. But what about for moms?
Uterus Transplant Trial to Begin in US
Science has accomplished miraculous feats to help women unable to get pregnant achieve their dreams of motherhood. Now, doctors are hoping to help even those women who lack an essential element of every pregnancy — a uterus.