Health News

Not All Nursery Products Are Safe
Nursery products like baby carriers may be responsible for an increasing number of injuries to young children, a new study found.
Your Kids Might Extend Your Life
Being a parent could extend your life, according to a new study.
Thyroid Screening in Pregnancy May Be Unnecessary
Treating mildly low thyroid function during pregnancy might not be worth the trouble, according to a new study.
Good News for Preterm Infants
Very preterm infants may be more likely to survive now than they were in previous years, according to a new study.
Pet Medications Can Put Kids at Risk
Many parents know the importance of keeping their medicines out of the reach of children to prevent accidental exposure. But where are you storing your pets' medications?
High-Tech Baby Monitors May Be a Bust
They may make use of the latest consumer technologies, but wearable smartphone baby monitors may not provide many benefits, a new study found.
How Ads Might Be Unsafe for Your Baby
Ads for sleep products and bedding often promote unsafe infant sleep environments that could raise the risk for sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), a new study found.
Preventing Peanut Allergies
A panel of experts has released new guidelines to potentially help health care providers prevent peanut allergies from developing in children.
Why Folic Acid Is Important for Women
The US Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) is doubling down on its recommendation that women who could become pregnant should take a folic acid supplement.
Grapes May Be Dangerous for Kids
Doctors are warning that young children can choke to death on whole grapes.