Health News
Is Low T a Sign of RA Tomorrow?
Low testosterone can affect a man's life in many ways, from reduced sex drive to lack of energy. Now it seems low levels of this hormone may be related to joint disease.
Lifestyle Linked to RA
While the exact cause of rheumatoid arthritis remains unknown, scientists are getting a better idea of what puts people at risk for this painful disease. It seems lifestyle may have a lot to do with that risk.
Pregnancy with Rheumatoid Arthritis
In the past, women with rheumatoid arthritis were discouraged from getting pregnant. But now the picture is different. With the help of their doctors, along with careful disease management, most women with rheumatoid arthritis can have a successful pregnancy.
The High Price of RA Employees
From treatments to doctor visits, living with a long-term disease like rheumatoid arthritis costs money. After taking a closer look, researchers found that there are also hidden costs to living with this disease.
No Safety Surprises from Humira
Humira (adalimumab) is a medication used to treat a variety of diseases. As the medication is being prescribed to more and more patients, researchers wanted to see if there were any side effects they didn't know about before.
Arthritis May Shape Your Social Life
Arthritis symptoms can get in the way of many social activities, which can affect quality of life. So researchers wanted to know which aspects of arthritis most affected social life.
More Sun May Lower Risk of RA
It's still unclear what exactly causes rheumatoid arthritis. As such, it's not entirely clear what steps people can take to prevent the condition. But new research suggests that soaking up the sun may help.
Lilly Discontinues Phase 3 Rheumatoid Arthritis Program for Tabalumab
Eli Lilly and Company announced today that it will discontinue the Phase 3 rheumatoid arthritis (RA) program for tabalumab, an anti-BAFF (B cell activating factor) monoclonal antibody, due to lack of efficacy.
First Rheumatoid Awareness Day
It seems there are awareness days for every disease and condition. Surprisingly, an awareness day for rheumatoid arthritis has been lacking. Now, rheumatoid arthritis patients have their day of recognition.
Worse RA with Obesity
In study after study, researchers have shown that being obese is unhealthy. Obesity can both cause and worsen disease. Rheumatoid arthritis is one disease that seems to get worse with obesity.