Health News

Worst Things To Do While Pregnant
Pregnancy is an exciting time for expecting families, however there are some things that should be avoided to promote healthy development.
The Low-Down on Kids' Recurring Ear Problems
Ear infections are a common part of childhood, as most parents are aware. But doctors may recommend surgery for some recurrent or serious ear conditions.
Mother's Medication Use Mirrored in Kids
A variety of over-the-counter medications are available for pain, including the popular use of acetaminophen (Tylenol). But overuse of these products can be harmful.
Crying More Than an Average Baby
Preemies often require extra attention after they are born, depending on how early they arrive. They may also sometimes present extra challenges for parents.
Taking Time Out After a Concussion
Despite precautions, young athletes are still at risk for experiencing concussions during sports activities. The important thing is to recover from them.
Flu Vaccine Bonus for Babies
Receiving quality prenatal care means ensuring that you protect both yourself and your unborn child from disease. One recommendation for this is getting the flu vaccine.
Overuse Injuries in Children More Common Than Believed
Youth sports are an important part of many children’s lives. New guidelines can help child athletes and their parents better understand overuse injuries.
Fever Possible When Multiple Vaccinations Were Given
Vaccinations are given to protect children from common ailments. A new study found that the risk of fever may increase when two of these vaccines are administered at the same time.

How to Spot Illness in Your Child
It’s not always easy to tell if your child has developed a serious illness, but if you know what to look for, you might be able to determine when it’s time to visit your child’s doctor for a diagnosis.
Child Cold Med Safety Improved
Medicine is meant to heal, but sometimes even over-the-counter products can have unintended effects. A new study focused on such a situation involving young children and cold medicine.