Health News
Health Issues That Could Disrupt Your Kid’s Sleep
Sleep deprivation can have serious health consequences and should be addressed as soon as possible. Here are some of the many conditions that could disrupt your child’s sleep.
A Child's Heart and Mind
Certain birth defects can affect both the body and the mind. Children with heart birth defects, for example, may also have delays in their development.
Hold the Salt, Teens
It is well known that eating excess calories can lead teens to gain weight, but weight may also be related to how much salt is in a teen's diet.
How to Know If Your Child Is Overweight
The first step to recognizing a potential health risk is identifying it. This is particularly important when it comes to individuals recognizing whether they or loved ones are a healthy weight.
Think Twice About That Antibiotic
The large amount of antibiotic use in the past several decades has led to a new problem with antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Decreasing antibiotic use is an important step to address the new problem.
Vaccine Schedule Updates Announced
One of the best ways to protect children against a wide range of serious diseases is to be sure they are up to date on their immunizations.
Keeping Kids Safe by Buckling Up
Many children are involved in motor vehicle crashes every year. Do you know how to keep your child safe from injury?
America's Unhealthiest Cities
Gallup-Healthways Well-Being rates U.S. metropolitan areas for overall well-being, diabetes, obesity, frequency of exercise, and produce consumption from 2010 - 2012.
When To Deliver When Mom's Blood Pressure Is High
High blood pressure-related disorders are among the most common pregnancy complications in the United States. Preterm delivery is often necessary to keep the mother safe and healthy.
Good News for Older Pregnancies
Many women are now choosing to give birth later in life. However, older age has often been associated with abnormal fetal development.