Health News
On-Time Vaccines Better than Late
Some parents may feel it's better to delay their children's vaccines instead of following the officially recommended schedule. But that could present more risks from side effects.
Circumcision Complications Rate Clarified
Male circumcision is currently regarded as a procedure that parents can choose for their sons but which is not routinely recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics.
Parents May Pass Down Bad Habits
The risks of smoking can extend beyond your own health and that of individuals breathing the secondhand smoke. They may extend to your children's choices as well.
Skip the Smokes But Pass My Meds
The most common medications used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder are stimulants. Tobacco is also a stimulant, so would taking medication reduce smoking among those with ADHD?
Surprising Facts About Modern Mothers
Starting in 1914, every second Sunday of May has been dedicated to the celebration of motherhood, yet the profile of a typical mother has changed dramatically since the holiday’s inception.
Too Much TV Time: Parents May Shape Kids' Screen Time
While it may seem like a harmless activity, spending countless hours in front of the television could be negatively influencing your children.
Preventing Dental Caries in Kids
From the moment your child's first tooth erupts, bacteria has the ability to cause caries, or tooth decay leading to cavities. Dental caries are actually the leading chronic disease among young children in the US.
Stopping a Kid's UTI from Returning
A urinary tract infection in a child can become very serious if not treated. Those who repeatedly experienced UTIs with a fever may have an underlying condition.
Diabetes Has Increased in US Youth
Type 1 diabetes usually occurs in childhood. But more children are now getting type 2 diabetes, and the rates of both seem to be rising.
Many Parents Not Following Safe Sleep Practices for Babies
One of the most frightening concerns of parents with new babies is sudden infant death syndrome, or SIDS. But safe sleeping practices can reduce the risk of SIDS.