Health News

RSV Season Is Here
RSV season is around the corner. Here's what you need to know to protect your children.

Formula Concerns Continue
Baby formula is not as hard to find as it was last summer, but it's still difficult in some parts of the United States.

COVID-19 Boosters Authorized for Young Children
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has extended its authorization for two COVID-19 bivalent vaccines.

Youth E-Cig Use Remains High
Millions of kids and teens in the United States use electronic cigarettes, according to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

Whooping Cough Vaccine Gets Green Light
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved a vaccine to protect newborns from whooping cough.

Melatonin for Kids? Not So Fast
Thinking about giving melatonin to your child? Read this first.

Another TikTok Challenge Goes Wrong
Another recent TikTok trend, called the #OneChipChallenge, has been sending some to the emergency room.

FDA Warns About New TikTok Challenge
The US Food & Drug Administration (FDA) is warning people about the latest TikTok challenge.

Severe Allergic Reactions at School: Are You Prepared?
For the 1 in 13 children who have food allergies, being prepared can make all the difference.

Covid Vaccine for Kids Gets Green Light
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) authorizes the COVID-19 vaccine, Novavax, for emergency use for a certain population.