Health News

Don't Make This Common Car Seat Mistake
During the winter, do you strap your children into their car seats while they're wearing a coat? If so, you may be putting them in danger.
The Dangers of Accidental Battery Ingestion
Batteries can be dangerous if swallowed, especially for children. Unfortunately, children often don't understand the dangers associated with accidental battery ingestion.
Lice Treatments: Explained
Back to school may often mean head lice season.
Three Tips for a Healthy Pregnancy
Whether you are trying to have a baby or just thinking about it, informing yourself is a good first step. Here are three tips to get you started:
Play On: Video Game to Improve ADHD Approved
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved the marketing of the first game-based digital therapeutic device to treat ADHD.
How Tobacco Harms Young Children
A new international report highlights the damage that exposure to tobacco does to developing children and calls for increased tobacco control measures.
How Diet Can Affect Pregnancy
A healthy diet before and during your pregnancy may provide some big benefits.
Tips to Prevent the Common Cold
Cold and flu season is here, but that doesn't have to mean you or your family will get sick. Outsmart germs with these simple strategies.
Big Smiles for Children's Dental Health
This month is National Children's Dental Health Month. You can celebrate by promoting good dental health habits with your kids.
Sick with the Flu? Here's What to Do Next
In all the chaos surrounding COVID-19, the flu may be easy to forget — until you start feeling sick. Here's what you should do if you get the flu.