Health News

Filling Prescriptions Before It’s Time
One of the more difficult forms of drug abuse to control among teens is prescription drug abuse. Prescription drugs, like stimulants prescribed for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, can be abused for recreational purposes. 
"SuperMoms" More Prone to Depression
You may have seen the studies trumpeting the higher amount of life satisfaction found among parents. Or the studies that found lower levels of well-being among parents. So which is it?
Risks for Stillbirth Relate to Baby Size
Having a stillbirth can be one of the most devastating experiences that expectant parents could face. Sometimes it helps to understand the risk factors.
Checked Your Teens' Texts Lately?
Who would have thought a text message could put a teen on a sex offender list? Yet this is one of the more extreme possible consequences of the increasing trend of " sexting ."
Watch for Teen Suicide Signs
While adolescence tends to be a tough time for most people, the experience can become overwhelming when multiple pressures or problems are occurring at once.
A Safer C-Section
Pregnant women who deliver by cesarean section usually receive antibiotics after the baby’s umbilical cord is clamped. But could meds before the procedure reduce the risk of infection?
Smoking While Pregnant Linked to Asthma
Past research has already shown links between mothers who smoke and asthma in their children. But what if a mom only smokes while pregnant and quits before giving birth?
Itty Bitty Babies Need a Little Help
It's well established that the best food for a baby is their own mother's milk. But that doesn't mean that tiny babies with exceptional needs couldn't use a bit of help.
Do Children Become What They Eat?
Looking forward to another fight with your toddler over what they'll eat for dinner? Take heart - the fight is worth it for your child’s smarts down the line.
Dads Pass “Trust Hormone” to Kids
Often called the "love hormone" or "trust hormone," oxytocin is a chemical that helps parents and children bond to one another and works on children's emotional development.