Health News
Here, Honey, Take Honey for Your Cough
Every once in a while, an old wives' tale is actually based in medicine. Such is the case with giving children honey to control a nighttime cough.
Older Moms' Kids Healthier, Smarter
Most people have heard that it can be more risky to have children after age 35. However, these concerns usually relate to birth complications and not to the children's development.
Sleepyheads with Asthma?
Having a chronic illness like asthma can often affect many different parts of your health. One concern with asthma is that it can hurt children's sleep quality.
Antibiotics Linked to Kids' Weight
It's tempting to think that medicine, like antibiotics, can only help people recover from illness. But researchers are still learning about other possible effects of antibiotic use.
Ecstasy During Pregnancy a Bad Idea
A study on how ecstasy during pregnancy might affect babies at 4 months old was published early this year. Now those babies are a year old. They're still developing slowly.
Teaching Self-Control
How long can a four-year-old sit in a room with a cookie on the table? The answer depends on how much self-control the four-year-old has.
Allergic to Asthma
For some, coping with asthma is a daily part of life. This condition can be aggravated by seasonal allergies, increasing possible triggers. What are the connections between allergens and asthma development?
Secondhand Smoke Puts Kids at Risk
The cough reflex works to eject toxins from the respiratory system. If the cough reflex doesn’t work right, respiratory infection risk is higher.
ADHD Treatment May Reduce Smoking Risk
Did you know that kids with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are more likely to start smoking? The question is whether seeking treatment early in life can decrease this risk.
Pot Unsafe While Pregnant
Most people have known that smoking marijuana was not safe for pregnancy. Modern, high-potency marijuana poses additional dangers for fetal development.