Health News

Doesn't Take Sticks & Stones to Hurt You
Sticks and stones will break your bones but names will never hurt you. Except they do. And not just your mental health. Bullying affects your physical health too.
Treat Your Preemie to a Massage
If you love getting a massage, you probably enjoy feeling refreshed afterward. Massages can recharge many people. It appears they might recharge little babies too.
Preemie Birth Rate Drops in US
Being born too early can increase babies' risk of various health problems. But there's good news. Fewer and fewer babies are being born too early in the US.
Hey Girls! Let's Dance
Teen girls that seem generally healthy may still struggle with their self-image. This struggle can sometimes lead to later health problems. But there's a possible solution: Just dance!
When Real Disasters on TV Scare Kids
The Twin Towers falling. Raging wildfires. Families wading through flooded waters. These images might show important news, but disaster coverage makes an impression on little minds.
Getting a Grasp on Kids' Mental Health
Do children really have mental health disorders at rates similar to teens and adults? Or are they overdiagnosed and just being kids? There may not be a simple answer to that question.
Apples Don't Fall Far From the Personality Tree
The apple tree saying for families goes way back. Parents' traits often become their children's traits. And parents' mental health issues often become their children's too.
One Potty Problem After Another
If potty training isn't going well with "Number 2" but the bladder is under control, it may be a sign your child has a problem with his or her bowels.
Kids These Days… and Their Rx
It's important to treat mental illness. But some people have concerns that children are over-treated with medications. Research evidence does show an increase in some psychiatric meds for kids.
A Little Help for Little Not-Sleepyheads
Caring for a child with developmental or brain disorders presents challenges. One of these challenges may include sleeping problems. A common supplement may help a little.