Health News

Fairies and Monsters and Ghosts, Oh My!
Being afraid of the dark or a bogeyman in the closet is common for young children. But that doesn't make it easier on parents dealing with frightened kids. The secret is for parents to understand why kids get scared and to use it to their advantage.
A Bone to Pick with Sitting Still
Being active has always been good for the bones of the young and old alike. But how does sitting still affect bones in kiddos? Teens are more likely to have lower bone mineral levels in parts of the body where they sit sedentary for long periods of time, a new study has found.
What Do They Say About Big Babies?
So what do they say about big babies? Well, aside from bigger feet, bigger arms, bigger toes and a bigger nose, it appears they have bigger brains too.
Kids Trump Parents in Healthy Behaviors
Parents think a lot about exercise and a healthy diet – when it comes to their kids. But a recent survey revealed they’re less likely to take care of themselves than non-parents.
Pains of Parents and Children
Sometimes pain just decides to show up in our bodies seemingly out of nowhere. No warning, no apparent cause. It baffles doctors as much as it baffles us.
Allergic? I Used To Be
Families with allergic children know the routine when it comes to the foods their child has reactions to: avoid, avoid, avoid. New research suggests this doesn’t always have to be the case.
Is Your Child the Next Michael Phelps?
What's a good way to help reduce the risk your child will drown? Swim lessons. What's a surprising activity that's linked to better development across many skills? Swim lessons.
More Chemicals, More Time to Pregnancy
Researchers are learning more all the time about how chemicals in the environment affect our bodies. Much research focuses on children and conceiving a child.
FDA approves first seasonal influenza vaccine manufactured using cell culture technology
The US Food and Drug Administration announced today the approval of Flucelvax, the first seasonal influenza vaccine licensed in the United States produced using cultured animal cells, instead of fertilized chicken eggs.
More than Pumping Iron Among Teens
Lifting weights for strength is one thing. When kids do it for looks on top of changing their diet and maybe their exercise habits, that's another.