Health News

Safe Toys for the Holidays
On the first day of Christmas, my mommy gave to me… three non-choking-hazard toys, two BPA-free figures and a stuffed animal without removable parts... How safe are the toys under your tree this year?
Close-"Nit" Combs Get It Done
When killing lice isn't an option, consumers just want the best way to comb them out. Metal combs with close-knit teeth are the best option, a new study has found.
Teens Under the Knife Lose Weight
Just as adults with severe obesity go under the knife for help, more teenagers are now following suit.
Costs of Kids Eating Poison
Warning labels are definitely helping parents keep poisonous materials out of their kids' mouths, but it's still costing consumers millions in hospital bills.
Help Children Cope with Traumatic News
As the news of the school shooting in Newtown, Conn. sinks in across the nation, many parents may be struggling to find ways to help their children process the news.
Burning Inside the Burping Baby
Babies need a hand burping, especially the itty bitty ones. Too much of that gas, however, can be sign of more serious problems going on in their tummies.
Treating Cancer in Very High Risk Kids
Remarkable progress has been made in treating childhood leukemia. Many kids who get these blood cancers will beat their disease and live normal lives. Progress is being made in treating a more aggressive and life-threatening form of pediatric leukemia.
Talk Therapy for Kids with PTSD
A severely traumatic event like sexual abuse or a natural disaster leaves its scars on children. They may go on to develop post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
Feeling Blue… While Pregnant
Pregnant women with depression have tough choices to make. Do they treat the depression with medication or skip the meds? How might either choice affect their baby?
When Babies' Oxygen Runs Low
A number of pregnancy conditions can restrict the flow of oxygen to the baby. Researchers are learning more about how these conditions might affect children later on.