Health News
Low Income, High Asthma, Poor Health
It takes a lot out of kids who run and play. They can be even more breathless if they live and exercise in an asthma hotspot, typically located in lower-income neighborhoods. Do you live in a 'hotspot'?
Keep Thimerosal in Vaccines, Says AAP
Vaccines contain different ingredients besides the ones that create an immunity against disease in our bodies. One of the most debated ingredients is called thimerosal .
More Than Meets the Eye
Often, birth defects occur because of variations in children's genes. Researchers are learning that those genetic differences can also influence other disorders.
New Thumb Makes a Dramatic Difference for Four-Year-Old Girl
All it took was one picture of two-year-old Ella, for David and Deanna Ballheim of Dearborn to fall in love with her. The couple, who were eager to adopt Ella from China, had their wish come true when they became Ella’s parents in 2010.
Teenager Brains on Booze
Teenagers aren’t allowed to drink because it’s dangerous. Not just accident-prone dangerous, but actual breakdown of the brain’s white matter dangerous.
FDA expands Tamiflu’s use to treat children younger than 1 year
The US Food and Drug Administration today expanded the approved use of Tamiflu (oseltamivir) to treat children as young as 2 weeks old who have shown symptoms of flu for no longer than two days.
Botox and Surgery Does the Trick for Teen Suffering from Headaches
Taylor Williams, 17, of Wixom, Mich., has suffered from severe headaches for more than two years. The headaches, which caused Taylor to seek medical treatment including emergency care on a number of occasions, were continuous and the medications prescribed were not working.
Mixed Report Card on Teen Substance Use
Teens may be drinking and smoking less – but they are smoking out more. Cigarette smoking and alcohol use are at their lowest levels among teens while pot use has climbed.
Growing Up – and Growing Obese – with TV
More than 70 percent of children and teenagers have TVs in their bedrooms. But just having a TV in their rooms puts them at higher risk for becoming fat.
Got (the Right Amount of) Milk?
Milk is that classic childhood drink that we always hear is good for kids' bones. That's partly true, but there's also a tradeoff in drinking milk. The drink is finding a happy medium.