Health News
First Baby Cured of HIV
The first documented case of a child being cured of HIV was announced this morning. HIV is the virus that causes AIDS. Approximately 1,000 children worldwide are infected each day with HIV.
C-Sections and Sneezes
Following a rising trend, almost a third of all births in the United States are through caesarian section, or C-section. In many cases, these C-sections are medically necessary.
Exploring Parent Education to Reduce Obesity
Child obesity happens for many different reasons. These include TV time, diet, physical activity, genetics and other issues. Changing some of these may help reduce risk of obesity.
Looking Down the Road for Kids with ADHD
What happens to kids who have ADHD when they grow up? Does the disorder go away? Or do they continue to struggle as adults? Or is it a bit of both?
Baby Hearing Tests Don’t Predict Future
Parents are relieved when their babies pass their first hearing tests. But new research suggests they should take these results with a grain of salt.
Little Babies May Mean Little Siblings
A small percentage of babies are born very small for their age in pregnancy weeks. It may help doctors prepare for a birth if they know a woman is likely to have a very small baby.
Understanding Prader-Willi Syndrome
Some genetic diseases may be very rare, but knowing they exist may help the individuals who have them get medical attention sooner. One such disease is Prader-Willi syndrome.
Being Warm Hearted: Good for Your Heart!
It's said that helping others can make you feel better. Now there is evidence that helping others might actually improve your physical health as well.
From Baby Breaths to Childhood Wheeze
Babies with smaller lung capacity could have breathing problems later, especially if they take up smoking as teenagers.
Obesity Weighs Down Pregnancy Outcomes
Being overweight can be a burden for an expectant mother. When it comes to labor and delivery, that extra weight can cause certain complications for both the mother and child.