Health News
Activity Each Day Keeps Fractures at Bay
It's been debated whether to spread exercise out over the course of the week or spend the same time exercising over fewer days. Children's bone development could benefit from the former.
Should New Moms Take Anti-depressants?
Deciding whether to take medication while pregnant can be a tough decision. It becomes tougher when the risks and benefits are not always clear, such as with mental health medications.
Too Much Salt for Toddlers
It may be convenient to pick up prepackaged meals designed for babies and toddlers at the grocery store. Yet these meals may contain higher than recommended amounts of sodium.
From One Stomach Virus to Another
Rotavirus was the leading cause of diarrhea and stomach pain in infants and young children across the globe. But now, another group of viruses might be taking its place.
What Difference Does Vitamin D Make?
Women might think that not having enough of certain vitamins during pregnancy can hurt their developing child. That may be true sometimes, but not always.
Autism Risk May Be Buried in the Past
The causes of autism increasingly appear to come from a variety of different risk factors. One of those risk factors may be related to the childhood experiences of the children's mothers.
Autism May Travel Through Generations
A father's older age has already been linked to a risk for autism in children in past studies. Now researchers have turned their attention to grandfathers.
Closing in On Why Kids Get Cancer
With some forms of cancer, race matters. New research may explain why Hispanic children are more prone to a type of blood cancer.
Skim Milk May Not Do a Kid's Body Better
Doctors often recommend that preschoolers drink skim milk to reduce their overall calorie intake. But it turns out lower fat milk may not help reduce the risk of obesity.
One Less Worry for Preterm Babies
Babies born before the 37th week of pregnancy are considered preterm babies. Being born early can put babies at a higher risk for a variety of medical conditions.