Health News

Gum in Your Stomach for 7 Years? Think Again...
Many people around the world believe medical information and theories that simply aren’t true — from cell phones causing cancer to bubble-gum staying in your stomach for years. Here’s a list of medical myths and misconceptions that you deserve to know the truth about.
FDA Orders Wash.-based Smoked Seafood Manufacturer to Cease Operations
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration recently ordered Jensen’s Old Fashioned Smokehouse Inc., a processor of smoked fish products in Seattle, Wash., to stop processing, preparing, packing, holding and distributing any food at or from its facility.
Regulating Health Apps Seems Tricky
While there are many smart phone apps marketed as aids to help you manage your health, not all of these health apps are necessarily safe or offer sound advice, according to the authors of a recent editorial.
Reminders From a Trusted Pharmacist
RxWiki is a digital medication encyclopedia with health news and video, medication information, and a question-and-answer service that lets any user ask a question and have it answered by a trusted, licensed pharmacist. Here’s a list of common questions that have been answered by RxWiki’s Digital Pharmacists.
How Your Pet Can Affect Your Health
Dogs and cats can make great companions, and having a pet might be more beneficial to your health than you think. Although there is little evidence to suggest most of the health benefits, here’s a list of ways that pets might be able to benefit your health.
Popular, But Is It Good for You?
Occasionally, you'll hear someone talking about the next big super food or natrual product that is supposed to be beneficial to your health. These foods and products can catch on quickly and become increasingly popular, but how do you know if these trendy foods are actually healthy for you?
One Drink Max for Older Drivers
Young adults are often warned about the dangers of drinking and driving, but new research shows that the dangers may be even greater for seniors. 
Things to Question When It Comes to Treating the Elderly
The elderly often won’t benefit from many of the procedures or tests recommended for younger folks. That's why the American Geriatrics Society has released a list of 10 therapies to carefully consider before using in the older population.
Questions to Ask Before Surgery
Many people have questions before surgery. Some of the things they don’t ask are those that their surgeons most need to know.
MRI Versus CT Scans to Spot Appendicitis
It seems natural to use the "best" tool for a job. But what if that tool involves extra risks? And what if the risk is to children?