Health News

B-Lipo Contains a Hidden Drug Ingredient
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is advising consumers not to purchase or use B-Lipo, a product promoted and sold for weight loss on various websites and in some retail stores.
Slim-K Contains Hidden Drug Ingredients
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is advising consumers not to purchase or use Slim-K, a product promoted and sold for weight loss on various websites and in some retail stores.
Pure Caffeine: Not Your Regular Cup of Coffee
A federal agency is reaching out to the American public to let them know how to keep their families safe from a potentially dangerous item.
E-Readers May Impair Sleep
Love reading before bed? You may want to stick with an old-fashioned book and leave the e-reader on the charger.
Rx Combo May Trigger Serious Reactions
Some things just don't mix — and that applies to medications. One antibiotic combined with statins may be dangerous. Fortunately, other types of antibiotics may be safer when mixed with statins.
Teen Substance Abuse Rates Dropped
Parents may breathe a little easier — fewer teens may be lighting up, getting high and binge drinking.
Bath Salts and Beyond: Poison Centers Save Lives
From bath salts to laundry pods, many items can pose poisoning risks. Calls to poison control centers around the US have not only saved many people's lives, they've also identified new trends in toxic substance exposure.
Newer, Safer Cars May Save Teen Lives
You don't have to spring for the sports car, but you may want to invest in something modern to keep your teen safe on the road.
Something in the Air: Autism Risk May Be Tied to Pollution
Researchers may be one step closer to understanding what causes autism. The possible cause? Air pollution.
Know Your Rx — It May Help Your Recovery
Understanding what a medication does and how to use it properly may be as important to your health as actually taking the pill.