Health News

Whiskey & Diet Coke; No Make That Soda Water
Diet soda can help cut the calories in cocktails, but can also put a person over the legal alcohol limit without them ever knowing it. Yes, regular and diet soda do affect the body differently.
Unraveling Family Cancer Ties
Having a family history of any kind of cancer isn’t a bright spot for your own odds. It’s just part of nature over which we have no control. In terms of colorectal cancer, new understandings may help avoid a nightmare journey.
Videos Help Cancer Patients Understand Options
Doctors can talk to patients until they are blue in the face, but sometimes a short video can convey the clearest message. End-stage cancer patients may benefit from video learning.
Primary Doctors for Diabetes Care
If you're living with a chronic disease like diabetes, it's important to have the help of healthcare professionals. According to recent research, it may be especially important to have a consistent primary care doctor.
It's Green! Stop Texting While Crossing
Remember when you learned in school to look both ways before crossing the street? Here's another tip: put away your cell phone and pay attention to the crosswalk too.
Sex When it's Not Sexy
It's risky business having sex. Getting intimate with a partner who does reckless activities can lead women to some yucky infections.
Diabetes-Lipitor Link Isn't Found in Everyone
Drug treatment can prevent heart problems for those at risk. However, certain drugs may lead to other serious health issues, including diabetes.
Hockey Hits the Head Hard
Football has been in the news for concern over head injuries. Now it's hockey's turn. Concussions and on-going headaches are impacting both men and women hockey players.
No Rescue Breathing Required
Bystanders don't have to be trained in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) to lend a hand in a sudden emergency. Researchers have found that giving chest compressions while skipping rescue breathing is still effective.
Body Check! And Injuries are the Same
Although the NHL is on hold for a while, kids across America are still playing hockey and lots of it. Some kiddos are learning to body check into the boards as early as age 11 in Canada, but some parents may be concerned.