Health News

From Smog to Small Babies
In hopes of having a healthy baby, most women try to make good choices during their pregnancies. Some choices, like which foods to eat and what exercise to do, are easy to make. But they can't always choose the air they breathe.
Couch Potatoes' Sperm Counts Lower
While you're lazily flipping channels on the remote, your sperm may be lazing about as well. But get up and exercise, and your sperm may get up and going too.
Risky Sex Among Military Servicewomen
Research has suggested that women in the military have been less likely to practice safe sex. As more women are joining the military ranks, there may be a need for improved gynecologic care.
Ozone Level Linked to Pregnancy Outcomes
Many cities and states announce Ozone Action Days when local ozone levels are high. Those may be good days for pregnant women to stay indoors.
No Libido Loss with the Pill
Combined oral contraceptives, commonly known as "the Pill," are used to prevent pregnancy. But could birth control pills be preventing more than an unwanted pregnancy?
Infertility and Childhood Asthma
When a couple has trouble conceiving, they may use infertility treatments to get pregnant. New research suggests there could be a connection between these treatments and childhood asthma.
Can We Lower Babies' Schizophrenia Risk?
Some mental disorders are linked to specific genes. But that does not mean a person with a certain gene is destined to develop that disorder. Healthy practices may decrease the risk.
New Vaccine Schedule Released
Experts regularly meet to determine the most appropriate schedule for children to receive their immunizations against infectious diseases. The newest schedule has just been released.
Having a Baby After Bariatric Surgery
Pregnancy can involve more risks for women who are obese. As obesity rates rise, so does the number of women seeking bariatric surgery to treat their obesity.
Obese Mamas Pass Along Less Vitamin D
Pregnant women are advised to take prenatal vitamins to ensure they get all the nutrients they need. But their weight may play a role in how many of those nutrients reach their baby.