Health News
Saliva Sneaks Through Efforts to Block Cough
It is generally regarded as common courtesy to cover one's mouth when coughing or sneezing. The reasoning tends to be that covering one's mouth helps prevent germs from spreading. But a recent study has undermined this commonly held belief.
Mold in Yogurt Tied to Illness
People across the country might want to check their fridge after hearing this news: Chobani Greek Yogurt is voluntarily recalling many products after reports of issues relating to mold.
Soil Spores and Fungal Infections
Dirt does more than stain your clothes and carpets; it also can carry some harmful substances, including things that can lead to disease. New reserach traced cases of a rare infection caused by a type of fungus found in soil.
Too Few Shots for Pertussis Protection
Cases of pertussis, or whooping cough, have been increasing in recent years in the US. The CDC recommends the pertussis vaccine to protect children and adults from the disease.
Rare Brain Disease Exposure in the OR
Several surgery patients in New England were recently told that they may have gotten more than they bargained for when they went under the knife.
Dengue Counts Rise in Florida
While dengue fever is not an uncommon condition in the world, it is a very rare condition to develop while inside the US. But several cases of locally-acquired dengue fever have been discovered in Florida, and case numbers rose this week.
How Does HIV Affect Menopause?
Recent advances in HIV treatment have allowed more HIV-infected women to live through and past menopause. But not much is known about the effects of HIV on menopause.
Pocket of Mumps Cases in the Northeast
As other parts of the country face situations involving limited measles exposures, New Jersey is now investigating probable cases of a disease that shares the same vaccine — mumps.
Drinking Water Woes
We expect our water to be fresh, clean and hydrating. But on occasion, this all-important liquid can become contaminated and even cause outbreaks of illness.
What Your Sexual Past May Mean in Pregnancy
Any time you visit a new doctor's office, you are generally asked to fill out your medical history. This information can be particularly important for OB/GYNs when you are pregnant.