Health News
Urinary Tract Problems on the Rise
With better technology, medicine and science, people are getting older. Although people are getting more time, there are also other problems – specifically urinary problems.
Listeria Found in Tainted Cantaloupes
U.S. Food and Drug Administration officials have confirmed the presence of listeria in Rocky Ford-brand cantaloupes. Four already have died and 35 people in 10 states have been sickened from the tainted fruit.
Half the Dose for Hepatitis C Remission
Less sometimes is worth more! Finding the "sweet spot" for taking a drug while minimizing the downside of drug exposure is the goal of many drug researchers. A new multi-continent study has done just.
Parental Excuse Needed for Smoking Sickness
So much research over the past 50 years has been focused on the dangers of smoking to the smoker. Their children are stakeholders in this addiction and are paying a price too.
The How, Why and Cost of the Common Cold
Deadlines looming often prompt employees to go to work even if they have a cold infection. Now, there are usually options to stay home with your child and work remotely.
Natural Defense Against Bacterial Infections
The lovely, aromatic herb coriander is a staple of Mediterranean cuisine. Oil from the plant may also have important medicinal value, according to a new study.
Cryptic Infection Missed in AIDS Patients
For patients with AIDS, a fungal infection can be a major problem. However, researchers may have found a way to make treatement more likely to succeed by identifying a new cause.
Statin Not a One Trick Pony
Ever since the lovable Dorothy Hamill skated into a commercial promoting atorvastatin (Lipitor) in the early 2000s, the drug has been known for its remarkable abilities to lower cholesterol.
Wise Old Owls
The old adage about getting wiser with age just might be true. Older people have more wisdom than their younger counterparts, which levels the field when it comes to mental performance.
New Strains of HUS Have New Vaccine
Frightening times await parents of infants who are in the intensive care unit (ICU). Is there something that could have been done to prevent the lockdown in the ICU?