Health News
Prolonged IVF May Boost Baby Chances
When it comes to in vitro fertilization (IVF), new evidence suggests more may be better.
Progesterone: No Help for Recurrent Miscarriage
In the search for an effective treatment for recurrent miscarriage, one option appears to have fallen short.
Uterus Transplant Trial to Begin in US
Science has accomplished miraculous feats to help women unable to get pregnant achieve their dreams of motherhood. Now, doctors are hoping to help even those women who lack an essential element of every pregnancy — a uterus.
A Safer In Vitro Method
To realize their dreams of parenthood, many couples turn to in vitro fertilization (IVF). But this procedure is not without its risks.
During Pregnancy, No Amount of Alcohol Is Safe
It's well-known that heavy drinking during pregnancy can be dangerous for babies. But what about occasional drinking?
Fertility Concerns for Breast Cancer Rx
Young breast cancer patients commonly have fertility concerns, and those concerns may affect their decisions about treatment.

How to Get Your Body Ready for Baby
So you've decided to take the plunge into parenthood? That’s great! But wait just a second. To give yourself the best chance for a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby, there are some important things you need to do before you head down the road to conception.
Pregnancy and Lupus: A Fairly Safe Combination?
Many women with lupus have been warned about the possible dangers of becoming pregnant and having the condition. But new evidence suggests that these risks might have been overestimated.
What Women Need to Know About Blood Clots
Taking "the pill" has become a routine part of life for many women around the world. But that doesn't mean birth control pills are entirely without risk.
Risks and Benefits of Weight Loss Surgery Before Pregnancy
Pregnancy is an exciting time, but many women have a few anxious moments. Women who have had weight loss surgery may have more anxious moments than others. Some of those moments, however, may not be warranted.