Health News

Who Needs Breast Cancer Gene Testing
The risk of breast cancer can be such that women may have both breasts removed to avoid the possibility. Would genetic testing affect this decision?
Pendulum of Hormone Replacement Therapy and Breast Cancer
You’ve no doubt heard that hormone replacement therapy (HRT) used for menopause symptoms increases breast cancer risks. More recent studies have found that maybe HRT is okay. Now the pendulum has swung back.  
Trouble Coping Under the Knife
Having breast cancer surgery is tough for any woman. But recovering from surgery may be a little tougher for women who also have mental health issues.
Possible Breast Cancer Prevention Strategy
The day has come when scientists are working on ways to prevent cancer from ever developing. It involves looking for certain genes in people at risk for various cancers.
Mammograms Every Year or Every Other Year?
Quick – if you’re 55, how often should you have a mammogram? Every year or every two years? What if you have dense breasts? What if you’ve taken hormone therapy for menopause symptoms?
Does HRT Cause Breast Cancer or Not?
Women used to rely on hormonal replacement therapy (HRT)​ to calm the discomforts of menopause. Then a study linked HRT to breast cancer, and everything changed.
Ladies, Go Light on the Dairy
Who doesn’t love a bowl of ice cream? Or cheese? What about a dollop of half and half to make that cup of coffee creamy and luscious? You may love these things, but your body might not.
Heartfelt News for Breast Cancer Survivors
Cancer therapies save lives. But those same treatments can also cause serious problems years later. Such is the case with radiation therapy for breast cancer.
FDA Approves Lymphoseek to Help Locate Lymph Nodes
The US Food and Drug Administration today approved Lymphoseek (technetium Tc 99m tilmanocept) Injection, a radioactive diagnostic imaging agent that helps doctors locate lymph nodes in patients with breast cancer or melanoma who are undergoing surgery to remove tumor-draining lymph nodes.
Another Battle in the War on Breast Cancer
A breast cancer diagnosis is no doubt very serious. Some women may feel like they’ve experienced a major traumatic event for the first few months after receiving the news.