Health News
Blame It On the Alcohol
Wake up and smell the orange juice without the Vodka. Alcohol is no joke. People are injured and even worse dying from alcohol related accidents. Shop owners have a say in these problems.
An Expensive Tanning Deal
Bronze, golden skin is part of the definition of American beauty. Many people have resorted to tanning beds, which seems to be accompanied by addiction and skin cancer. Researchers have found why tanners can’t stop tanning.
Girls With ADHD at Risk for Substance Abuse
More boys are diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) than girls. But more of these girls are vulnerable to having other problems later in life.
Four Loko At It Again
Caffeinated alcoholic drinks have created quite the stir and definitely not the good kind. Teens are now ending up in the emergency room from drinking too many of these types of drinks.
Binge Drinking Not A Result Of Post-Traumatic Stress
Some people feel pain and express that pain, while others try their hardest to hide it. Alcohol is a common substance used to mask feelings, but does everyone use it to cope?
Underage Drinking Damages the Brain
It’s not a joke when experts say binge drinking is dangerous. Binge drinking is a serious problem for adults, so it only makes sense that the problem is even worse for teenagers.
The Brighter Side of Liquid Courage
Alcohol has been called “liquid courage.” This perceived benefit may outweigh all the real negative side effects for regular drinkers. Researchers are now tapping into the reason why.
Mini Males Messed Up Over Holidays
There's nothing like a reason to party for young men to overdo it on the alcohol front. New drivers and new drunks are typically a dangerous combination.
What’s the Recommended Daily Allowance for Alcohol?
Researchers found that older people might be drinking more than they should in the privacy of their own homes. However, other researchers say just the opposite.
Tipsy Driving is Still Drunk Driving
The blood-alcohol limit in the U.S. is 0.08, which is significantly higher than any other country. What do they know that we don’t? Are our limits too high?