Health News
Lysergic Acid Diethylamide Helps Alcoholics
In the late 1960’s and early 1970’s researchers tested the effects of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD) as a treatment for alcoholics. The results of multiple trials has not been pooled and analyzed until now.
Alcohol While Pregnant is Worse Than Cocaine or Pot
Children exposed to as little as half an alcoholic drink a day in utero - even if they didn't have fetal alcohol syndrome - appeared to suffer in their achievement test scores.
Knowledge Aids Prevention for Adopted Youth
If you’re considering adoption or have already adopted, understanding the family history of a child can help predict and possibly prevent psychological struggles.
Condoms Aren't Cool to Freshman Girls
If you’re daughter is in her first year of college, it might be a good time to remind her about the importance of safe sex. According to new research, freshman girls use condoms less and less as the year progresses.
If Bars are Close, Violence May Be Closer
Growing research has developed indicating risk factors for potential violence in intimate relationships that come from both genetic and environmental sources, and new research suggests a person’s proximity to the neighborhood bar scene may contribute to their aggression at home.
Movies & Marketing Lead Teens to Drinking
Those who don’t believe their child is influenced by what they’re seeing on the Internet and television may want to rethink their stance.
A Week for the Kids
Music icon Belinda Carlisle and reality television star Calum Best are two of many showing support for the sons and daughters of those suffering from alcohol use disorder this week.
Divorcing a Problem
Divorce typically increases the odds either party will develop a drinking problem; however if there are already alcohol issues within the home it may do the exact opposite, research finds.
Headed to College? Grab a Drink!
The U.S. government uncovered that young adults in college struggle with drinking problems more than people of the same age not attending school.
Borna Doesn't Cause Mental Illness
Recent studies confirm that borna disease virus, ( BDV ), an infectious neurological disorder, does not cause mental illness.