Sleep DisordersInfo Center
Ways to Improve Your Sleep
It doesn't just help you feel rested — sleep is important for your overall health and well-being.
Another Reason to Use Your CPAP Machine
Sticking with your sleep apnea treatment may help keep you out of the hospital, a new study found.
Get Your ZZZs Every Day
Many people try to catch up on sleep over the weekend in an effort to offset the negative health effects of too little sleep during the week. But these people may be in for a rude awakening.
The Link Between Sleep Apnea and Alzheimer's
Having sleep apnea may raise your risk for Alzheimer's disease, according to a new study.
The Cost of Sleeping Trouble
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has declared lack of sleep a public health problem — and it's a problem that may cost the economy billions of dollars each year.
From Short Sleep to Sugary Drinks
Getting less sleep may be tied to drinking more sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs), according to a new study.
Smartphones Might Sabotage Your Sleep
Your smartphone may keep you up to date with your friends and the latest news, but it may also just keep you up at night, a new study found.
Men, Sleep and Diabetes Risk
For men, sleeping too much or too little could raise diabetes risk, a new study found.
From Sleep Issues to Heart Issues
Shift-workers may face an increased risk of heart problems, a new study found.
The “Change” Doesn’t Have to Be the End
Women often dread menopause, recounting the hot flashes and mood swings of their mothers. A new review offers some insight into what it really means to go through the "change of life."