Sleep DisordersInfo Center
Is a Good Night's Sleep Enough
If your child is acting up at school or struggling to focus or learn, it may not necessarily be a psychiatric condition or learning disability. They might just be really, really sleepy.
Snoozing to Lose
Too little sleep or too much poor quality sleep can hurt more than your energy levels - it can also hit your waistline. If you're not getting enough sleep, you may be trading Z's for pounds.
Link Between Mom's Blues & Baby's Sleep
Moms spend so much energy focusing on their children's needs that it becomes easy to neglect their own needs. But taking care of mom also helps take better care of the little ones.
Sleep Can Fight Off Obesity & Diabetes
It's not just how much sleep you get that plays a part in your health - it's also when you sleep. An out-of-whack biological clock can mean poor health and higher risk of disease.
Have Another Coffee, Mom
If you really need that cup of joe , it's okay, Mom. Whether you're pregnant or breastfeeding, your coffee habit won’t come back to haunt you with increased nighttime baby wakings .
Sleep Apnea Linked to Depression
Obstructive sleep apnea - when a person doesn't breathe properly and consistently while asleep - has been linked to a long list of health issues. Add depression to that list.
Sleep Apnea's Implications for Surgery
Feeling confused and losing consciousness after a surgery is no light matter - it can cause health problems later on. But if it's related to a treatable condition, that's good news.
Goldilocks Sleep Best for Heart
If you're feeling sleepy or irritable during the day, you may not be getting enough sleep. And not enough sleep could mean you're at higher risk for a range of heart problems.
Sleep Disorder Linked to Parkinsons Disease
Rapid eye movement sleep behavior disorder ( RBD ) occurs when people act out dreams. Diagnosis of RBD may increase the risk of developing Parkinson’s or mild cognitive impairment.
Sleep Apnea Surgery Safe
Patients getting surgery for obstructive sleep apnea have less to fear. Complication rates from the surgery are low enough that time in the ICU appears unwarranted.