Sleep DisordersInfo Center

Liberate Yourself from Your Phone
A mobile phone can feel so important to your life that it's an extension of your body. But taking a break from your phone may help your mental health.
Better Sleep Means Better Sex
For any men out there who have waited to get their sleep apnea diagnosed or treated, here's one reason to do so that's hard to ignore: your sex life will get better.
Less Depression When Sleep Apnea Treated
Some patients find it hard to stick with their sleep apnea treatment (usually a breathing mask) because it may cause discomfort or even embarrassment. But adhering to it even sometimes may decrease depression symptoms.
Sleep Apnea Treatment for Teens Matters
It's hard enough making it through your teen years in one piece - but having obstructive sleep apnea ( OSA ) can make that journey even tougher on adolescents.
A Vicious Cycle of Sleepless Nights
The vicious cycle is familiar to anyone with anxiety: you feel anxious, so you can't sleep, which makes you more anxious, so you can't sleep.
Afraid of the Dark? You're Not Alone
Being afraid of the dark isn't just a childish phobia. Many adults suffer from this phobia, and it may be an underlying factor contributing to insomnia.
Epilepsy Hurts Everyone's Sleep
When a child has a chronic illness, it invariably affects the parents' well-being too. With childhood epilepsy, those effects occur not only during the day but during the night as well.
Not Just a Nighttime Walk in the Park
The image of aimlessly wandering sleepwalkers may conjure up fun images of zombies out of Michael Jackson's Thriller, but sleepwalking can actually indicate or cause serious problems.
Mom, Dad, Can I Sleep With You?
It's 3 a.m. "Mommy, can I sleep with you?" What you respond with in your sleepy stupor may have an impact on your child's risk of becoming overweight.
Jetlag from Work - in the Same Time Zone
"Living against the clock," forced into a schedule because of a job or other responsibilities that conflicts with your natural internal clock, may be contributing to weight gain.