Patient Safety EducationInfo Center

Acupuncture May Not Reduce Knee Pain
Chronic knee pain is one of the most common complaints people older than 50 bring to their doctors, and many doctors and patients may prefer to use treatments that do not involve medication. But acupuncture may not be an effective alternative.
Experts Say Opioids May Not Be Worth Risk for Some Conditions
In recent years, opioids have become a safety concern for some health officials. The American Academy of Neurology (AAN) recently released a statement on opioid use to address this problem.
Patient-Doctor Communication May Make Heart Imaging Safer
As the value of medical imaging as a lifesaving tool has increased in recent years, so has patients' radiation exposure from these procedures. The American Heart Association (AHA) released a statement about heart imaging in an effort to reduce unneeded radiation exposure.
September 27 Is Prescription Drug Take-Back Day
The US Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), with the help of nearly 4,000 smaller law agencies, will host the ninth and final National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. on Saturday, Sept. 27.
Family Therapies Effectively Treated Anorexia in Teens
Families play an important role in mental health — and that role may be key to treating teens with anorexia, a new study suggests.
Opioids Tied to Many Medication Poisoning Deaths
Medication poisoning deaths have increased in recent years. But they appear to have risen the most with one type of medication.
Ultrasound May Be Better Option for Kidney Stone Detection
CT scans and ultrasounds are both imaging techniques used to find kidney stones, and new research suggests they are both effective. But one option may expose patients to less radiation.
Handful of Medications Caused Accidental Poisoning in Kids
Despite childproof packaging and other safety measures, rising numbers of children go to the hospital after ingesting prescription medicines each year. A new study identified the most often ingested medicines in an effort to keep children safer.
CDC Releases Checklist for Ebola Preparedness
As the Ebola outbreak continues in West Africa, health officials in the US are asking health care workers to prepare to act if the disease spreads.
Kraft Recalls Thousands of Cases of American Singles
As children return to school across the United States, it's likely that many of their parents are packing Kraft Singles cheeses in their lunch boxes. But, parents take note — thousands of cases of Kraft Singles have been recalled.