Mental HealthInfo Center

The Rhythm of the Subtraction of Fractions
Third graders are a rambunctious group, and yet - quality elementary education is very important for continued education. How can teachers better connect with young students? The answer might be with music.
SERTified: Serotonin’s Link With Autism
Serotonin is a chemical in the brain that carries signals between nerve cells. There are increased serotonin levels in the bloodstream of those with autism - but, until recently, nobody knew why.
Antidepressant Teams up Against Leukemia
Vitamin A derivatives, drugs known as retinoids , have been used successfully to treat certain types of leukemia. Not all forms of the disease respond to them, though. Scientists have discovered that adding another medication may overcome this resistance.
Sleep Disorder Linked to Parkinsons Disease
Rapid eye movement sleep behavior disorder ( RBD ) occurs when people act out dreams. Diagnosis of RBD may increase the risk of developing Parkinson’s or mild cognitive impairment.
Sleep Apnea Surgery Safe
Patients getting surgery for obstructive sleep apnea have less to fear. Complication rates from the surgery are low enough that time in the ICU appears unwarranted.
Drinkers Stay in Hospitals Longer, Cost More
Heavy drinkers are known to have increased risk for several health related problems. In addition, drinking could be related to longer recovery time from hospital visits.
Kids Say Maybe to Alcohol and Cigarettes
Tweens , or children aged 10-12, are among the most impressionable age groups, and currently they are decidedly ambivalent towards cigarettes and alcohol. What can be done to change their minds?
Binge Drinking in Kids Linked to Onscreen Boozing
Teens who binge drink can put themselves at risk of serious problems, including a greater chance of developing alcohol addiction later in life. Now, a new study says that part of the problem may be attributed to the movies that kids watch. Researchers from institutions in Germany, Iceland, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland and Scotland studied 16,551 students between the ages of 10 and 19 and found that kids who watched the most instances of drinking in films were more likely to have engaged in at least one episode of binge drinking, which is consuming more than five drinks on a single occ...
Eye Disease May Give Clues of Brain Decline
An eye exam can do far more than screen for potential vision problems. It also can give doctors a view into the body's vascular system, and it may even be able to pinpoint patients more likely to suffer cognitive decline.
Trans Fat Linked to Irritability
Feeling irritable and aggressive? It might be what you're eating. A new study suggests that eating higher amounts of trans fats may lead to undesirable adverse behaviors.