Healthy Eating and DietInfo Center
The Chocolate Curse Has Lifted!
Just when you thought a healthy lifestyle meant eating nuts, fruits, and vegetables, medical manna has come straight down from heaven. Move over veggies, Momma needs her chocolate!
Iron and Copper Bad for the Brain?
Iron and copper are common metals used to make cars, pots, and other inanimate objects, but they are also very important in the body. Too much iron and copper can be bad for the brain.
Gluten-Free Diet and Tennis
An up-and-coming tennis athlete became a star in 2011 with the help of a gluten-free diet! Novak Djokovic has a record of 37-0 and seven titles. Who knew allergies could be so detrimental?
Green Tea Powder Affected by Storage
For some people green tea is nutritiously delicious and for others maybe not so much, but it is hard to deny the health benefits green tea contains.
Obese While Pregnant
Weight gain is essential during pregnancy, but how much? Lack of information and resources can prevent the proper weight gain during pregnancy and hinder or harm the baby or mother.
Get That Spud Out of Here!
Potatoes are hearty vegetables that most people don't even recognize as vegetables. Now USDA wants to ban them from school cafeterias in attempt to make lunches healthier.
Workout With Your Avatar
Most people know exercising is important, but often times people don’t have the motivation, a partner, or have a fear of working out in public. Never fear, virtual partner is here!
Quit Smoking with Exercise
Are nicotine patches or nicotine gums not cutting it? Try exercising to curb your nicotine cravings. Research shows that you can improve your health by exercising regularly and you could quit smoking as well.
Being Healthy Does Not Necessarily Just Mean Losing Weight
Most people don’t understand the actual term 'healthy living'. Weight management is just one aspect of living healthy, but there are many other factors that should be taken into account.
Obesity Increases Hospital Costs
Obesity is an epidemic that has spread throughout the world. It increases risk for cancer, cardiovascular disease, and many other diseases, and now it is even increasing hospital costs.