Healthy Eating and DietInfo Center

Dozing Into Donuts
It's mid-afternoon and you're tired. You didn't rest well last night. Maybe a bite to eat will help rally you. Hmm - those chocolate chip cookies look good. Ever wonder why?
Menopausal Women Need to Step Up
Abundance indicates happiness, wealth and the land of plenty. Abundance in the mid-section for menopausal women is none of those things.  It's a drag. But it is an avoidable drag, though.
It's Time for Fathers to Take Charge
Fathers should take a stand to eat healthier because researchers have found they have a great effect on childhood obesity.
Stay Strong for Yourself
Exercising can make people feel and look good. It enables people to maintain their health, mobility and strength as they age.
'I Love My Baby Back Ribs'
There's a lot of buzz about red and processed meats causing an increased risk for cancer. But what does that mean for your backyard grilling this summer? MD Anderson has some healthy BBQ tips.
Move the Body to Keep the Brain Active
Aging is unavoidable, but one way to help slow the development of the diseases that sometimes come with old age is exercise. Staying active as one ages is an important part of maintaining health in body and brain
What's Natural in the "All Natural" Diet?
People are becoming more aware of healthy eating, and some people are looking towards our ancestors for the answers of how to eat healthier.
Radioactive Tea Leaves
Japanese authorities found high levels of cesium in green tea leave products, so they have banned the export of green teas from several regions.
Beware of Misleading Food Names
Are you an individual who focuses more on the name of a product when choosing healthy foods? You might want to think twice because researchers say names can be deceiving.
Go Green in Diet Too
Drugs are not the only solution for treating and eliminating diseases. One of the most effective solutions may be to eat a plant-based diet.