GastrointestinalInfo Center
Acid Reflux Rises, Along With Obesity
In the past decade, there's been a spike in the number of people experiencing heartburn and other symptoms of acid reflux. And researchers say that a weight problem is to blame.
Get Vaccinated, Stop the Spread of Hep B
There are a great deal of complications associated with diabetes. In order to prevent these complications, patients have to take special care of themselves, whether that means eating healthier or getting vaccinated.
Diabetes to Liver Disease to Transplant
As the rates of obesity and diabetes continue to rise in the United States, so do the rates of complications related to these conditions. Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) is one of these complications.
Inheriting Crohn's Disease
Crohn's Disease is not a desirable family inheritance. But the genes that your family passes down to you could predispose you to developing the chronic health condition.
Using Opium Painkillers to Treat Stomach Pain
Many Americans battle chronic abdominal pain, which may be a symptom of serious conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome, colitis, or gallstones. However, experts are worried that doctors are over-prescribing opioid painkillers for the pain, especially if another medication is a better option.
Gluten-Free Diet Difficult for Celiac Patients
For patients with celiac disease, eating a diet that’s free of gluten can be tricky. But if you can get savvy at managing your diet, you'll enjoy a better quality of life.
Preemies Need Their Blood Type Checked
Necrotizing enterocolitis is one of the most common and serious gastrointestinal disorders that can affect preterm infants. Identification of a new risk factor may help reduce its prevalence.
IBD Can Inflame Skin Cancer Risks
Sometimes drugs that effectively treat one condition unintentionally increase the risks of another. It has recently been discovered that this is the case for some drugs that treat inflammatory bowel disease.
First Cord Blood Product Gets FDA Stamp of Approval
For the first time, U.S. Food and Drug Administration officials have given the green light to an umbilical cord blood product that could be used in stem cell transplants for patients with blood cancer, or metabolic or immune disorders.
FDA Focus on TNF Blockers
A class of drugs is now under suspicion of causing cancer in children, adolescents and young adults under the age of 30. These are called Tumor Necrosis Factor (TNF) blockers, and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently released an update regarding its ongoing safety review of these drugs.