GastrointestinalInfo Center
Stop the Bleeding Inside
It's scary losing blood. And bleeding inside the body somewhere along the esophagus, stomach and the upper small intestine can be even scarier. But blood transfusions can help, especially with certain methods.
From Stomach Aches to Headaches
When the stomach's yearning for food, heads can start aching as well. And it can happen more often among people with stomach problems.
Fulyzaq Approved for HIV Patients
This week, the US Food and Drug Administration announced approval for Fulyzaq , a drug designed to treat symptoms of diarrhea in HIV/AIDS patients. It's the first drug for this purpose to win FDA approval.
Vitamin D for Pearly Whites?
Could soaking up some sun or otherwise getting a good dose of vitamin D help keep those pearly whites healthy?
Who's the Drunkest of Them All?
Many Americans may enjoy drinking on New Year's Eve, but they don't top the charts. In fact, the US is not even among the 25 "drunkest" countries in world alcohol consumption rates.
Dentist Visit OK For Joint Implant Patients
There is a history of prescribing antibiotics to patients with hip and knee implants before they have any dental work done. There are concerns that this could help reduce the risk of bacteria entering the blood stream and affecting the implants.
Dentists Help Children Sleep Better
Sleep-disordered breathing is often associated with excess body fat in adults. However, when these issues are present in children, they may have more to do with the dentist than the dietician.
When Peanuts Become Weapons
"Hey little Johnny! Want some peaaaaanutttts ? They're goooooood for you! Here, touch them!" Sounds like standard child teasing, right? Unless Johnny has a serious peanut allergy.
New Rx Approved For Intestinal Condition
Intestinal diseases and surgery can cause nutritional problems. A new drug has been approved to help combat these problems.
Stay A While, Or Not
Most people want to be in and out of the hospital as quickly as possible and not have to come back. This also holds true for veterans.