Esophageal CancerInfo Center
Symptom Clusters After Esophageal Cancer Surgery
Only about one in four esophageal cancer patients is eligible for surgery; the rest have an advanced disease that surgery can’t touch. But the operation is complex and may leave patients with life-altering symptoms.
Sparing the Knife for Esophageal Cancer
Esophageal cancer starts in the esophagus — the 10-inch tube that connects the throat with the stomach. Surgery to remove the esophagus has been the standard treatment for early esophageal cancer. But that's changing.
Diabetes May Raise Esophageal Cancer Risk
Heartburn isn’t always a dire health matter, but if stomach acid repeatedly enters the esophagus, it can lead to a more serious condition and possibly cancer.
Physical Activity May Reduce Risk of Esophageal Cancer
Staying physically active isn’t just about weight control anymore. No, being physically fit is increasingly seen as a way to stave off serious illness – including some types of cancer.
Weighing in on Teen Cancer Risks
Obesity in adults is linked to increased risks of esophageal cancer, a nasty disease that’s on the rise in the US, Europe and Israel. Researchers have now discovered that being overweight earlier in life may also influence cancer risks.
Does NSAID Use Impact GI Cancers?
Aspirin is an intriguing medicine because it helps to control inflammation, which plays a big role in a number of diseases — including cancer. So does aspirin help prevent and treat certain types of cancer?
Managing to Avoid Esophageal Cancer
If you’ve ever had heartburn, you know it can be very uncomfortable. Ongoing heartburn, a symptom of acid reflux, can progress to a condition called Barrett esophagus, which can eventually lead to cancer. A recent literature review analyzed the best way to manage Barrett esophagus to avoid cancer.
HPV Expanding its Cancer Roster
It’s well known that the human papillomavirus (HPV) is linked to cervical cancer. The virus is also associated with other genital cancers, as well as anal cancer. But another cancer may be added to this list.
Cancer Clinical Trial Becomes Futile
Sometimes clinical trials have to be stopped because the therapy being tested does more harm than good. This is what happened in recent esophageal cancer study.
Esophageal Cancer is Probably a Carnivore
Red meat and processed meats have come under fire lately. Diets loaded with hamburgers, pork chops, bacon, hotdogs and pot roast are associated with heart disease and increased risks of certain cancers.