Alzheimers DiseaseInfo Center
Smoking Patches for Memory
While nicotine patches are typically used to quit smoking cigarettes, doctors use them in research to stimulate cognitive development.
The Right Dose of Speech Therapy
Alzheimer's patients want to feel assured that their medication regimen is protecting them not only from memory loss but from the loss of other functions such as speech. Research finds that medication dosing may be key to preserving language abilities.
Early Dementia and Employment Can Mix
How long can someone keep a job after being diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease or other dementia? Here's some information to help make the tough decision when to quit or alter a job.
Early Alzheimer's Symptom Reversed in Lab
When an individual begins developing the early signs of Alzheimer's disease, one of the earliest symptoms is the loss of smell. Scientists have found a way to reverse this symptom in a lab.
Marker Identifies Dementia Type
Symptoms of different types of dementia are similar, which can make it tough to give patients an accurate diagnosis. A marker that detects brain plaques can help doctors tell them apart.
Low BMI May Contribute to Alzheimer's
Maintaining a weight that is overly thin can contribute to health problems in much the same way that being obese can. More recently a low body mass index has also been linked to early stages of Alzheimer's disease.
Boosting Memory in Alzheimer's Patients
Alzheimer's disease patients can have trouble remembering basics from the faces of loved ones to where they put something down. A medical food that has showed promise in trials could help with a memory boost.
Hypertension Drugs May Lower Alzheimer's Risk
Patients suffering from hypertension may be at an added benefit. Their blood pressure medication may help lower their risk of developing Alzheimer's disease.
Healthy GPS Shoes
It's not uncommon for patients suffering from Alzheimer's disease to become confused and wander off. New shoes with built-in GPS systems may help ensure that seniors with dementia can be tracked and safely brought home.
Early Stages of Alzheimer's Categorized
Acknowledging that early stage Alzheimer's disease patients often do not yet have symptoms, Mayo Clinic researchers have proposed adding two pre-clinical stages to better classify patients.