Health News

Mama's Diabetes After Delivery
Pregnant women with type 1 diabetes need excellent blood sugar control. Fortunately, many diabetic women bring their blood sugar to normal levels during pregnancy. But how do they fare after the baby is born?
That Sex Talk With Mom and Dad
The "talk" — teens don't really want to hear it. Parents don't really like bringing it up. But sex is kind of a big deal.
No Need to Over-Screen
Cervical cancer rates are so low in certain groups, the medical community no longer recommends bothering with routine screening. But in groups at risk, screening rates should be higher.
Diabetes in Pregnancy Can Be Costly
Bringing a baby into this world means more than extra responsibility. It also means extra costs, especially if you have diabetes during pregnancy.
Watch Your Booze Ladies
There is a world of difference between having a cocktail and binging drinking. The body was not designed to process excessive alcohol in short periods of time. Specifcally with women.
Is Screening Older Women for Breast Cancer Worth It?
Breast cancer screening guidelines have been changing. There’s controversy about when screening should start - at 40 or 50 or not at all. But at what age should a woman stop having mammograms? Are we spending money on unnecessary screenings?
DIY Test for STD Works
Uh oh, maybe you need to get checked out down there for some not-so-fun disease. A test you can do yourself (with some help) can figure it out and it works very well.
Birth Control Pills Under Fire Again
All medications come with risks. But some birth control pills come with more risk than others, leading France to consider limiting some birth control pills' use.
Drug to Help Prematurity Flops
A full pregnancy term is 38 to 40 weeks. If it seems like the baby might come sooner, especially before the 34th week, doctors do what they can to prevent a premature birth.
A Breast Cancer Elf?
Here’s an intriguing thought. What if we could reprogram cancer so it responds to treatment? That’s exactly what breast cancer experts are exploring.