Health News
Mama's Boys and the HPV Vaccine
A vaccine is available to help reduce the risk of girls getting cancer later in life. This same vaccine is also available for boys. New research suggests a boy’s mother plays a significant role in whether or not he gets the vaccine.
A Racing Heart Can Slow a Man's Love Life
When we see the apple of our eye, hearts start to race. But when it's time to get intimate in bed, a constantly racing heart might mean trouble for a man.
Single Guys and Smokers Going Viral
Viruses are interesting bugs. Just because you catch one doesn’t mean it will make you sick. That said, being infected with a virus many times can lead to health issues. And for one virus, that issue could be cancer.
You Can Still Feel Sexy After Menopause
Has your sexual appetite gone down after menopause because of vaginal pain and discomfort? Is your intimate relationship suffering? Don't fret. You're not alone, and it can be treated!
Sexual Orientation is a Pediatric Issue
Young people who come out as gay may be faced with discrimination at school and even at home. The pediatrician's office could be one place these youth feel comfortable talking about their sexual identity.
Can't Hear the Trouble with ED
What's that you say? Hearing problems in men may lead to what? Hearing loss could mean that men might have trouble getting and staying aroused later on.
Even Young Guys Have Erection Issues
Troubles with getting or keeping an erection have often been linked with older gentlemen. But the condition is happening more often to younger guys as well.
He's Lost That Youthful Feeling, Oh That Manly Feeling
Lots of men might be hesitant to ask the doc if they might have low testosterone. But an increasing number of prescriptions for some hormone replacement shows men could be opening up.
Can Painkillers Keep Men Down?
Opioid painkillers can provide much-needed relief from many painful conditions. But long term use of these medications can increase the chances of having erectile dysfunction in some men.
Protecting Women In Underdeveloped Nations From Cancer
More than a quarter of a million women around the world die of cervical cancer every year. In this country, because of the Pap test, cervical cancer is much rarer.