Health News

Poor Sleep May Trigger Heart Attacks
For heart attack patients, getting post-traumatic stress disorder is fairly common. Those with PTSD are also likely to have another cardiac event, and sleep troubles may play a role.
More Than the Mind in Mental Health Care
It's known that people diagnosed with psychiatric disorders also struggle with physical illness. Such physical illness may be leading to deaths that could be avoided.
Antidepressant Eases Stressed Hearts
If your coronary arteries have a blockage, blood flow to the heart decreases, potentially causing damage. A common depression medication may help the condition.
Stroke Risk Doubles in Depressed Women
Maintaining good mental health has been shown to protect cardiovascular health. For middle-aged women, controlling depression may play a key role in preventing stroke.
Man’s Best Friend Just Got Better
Want to improve your heart health? Let it go to the dogs. Owning a pet, particularly a dog, could reduce your risk of heart disease.
Survey Says: Patient Feedback Improves Care
While communicating with a doctor is key to getting optimal care, it’s not always so easy. Heart patients who complete health status surveys as part of routine care may have better outcomes.
What’s Bad for Heart Is Bad for Brain
Most people know that smoking and being overweight can harm their physical health. Heart disease risk factors, however, can also impair the ability to think.
Smoking Could Hurt Your Kid's Heart
Secondhand smoke exposure during childhood may change cholesterol levels in a way that could increase the risk for heart disease later in life. That risk may not be the same for both genders.
Getting Smashed: A Real Heart Breaker
In college, some young adults might feel invincible. But risky behaviors like binge drinking may disrupt a young adult’s blood flow and put him or her at risk for heart disease later in life.
Dangers of Smoking After Surgery
After surgery, the body needs to focus on healing. Smoking may interfere with this healing process. People who smoke after surgery could be putting their bodies at serious risk for complications.