Health News
Raw Beef Causes Salmonella Illnesses
An outbreak of salmonella linked to ground beef has made 16 people sick in five states, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Raw Sprouts: Are They Safe to Eat?
Last year, when the supermarket giant Kroger stopped selling sprouts, the news sounded alarm bells around the safety of selling and consuming sprouted seeds. What do you need to know?
New FDA Regulations for Food Safety
Salmonella and E. coli outbreaks effect thousands of people every year in the U.S. the
The FDA has unveiled proposals to help the food industry prevent future outbreaks.
Costs of Kids Eating Poison
Warning labels are definitely helping parents keep poisonous materials out of their kids' mouths, but it's still costing consumers millions in hospital bills.
Pork: What's in Your Dinner?
We all remember the tagline to the long-running ad campaign for pork. “Pork. It's What's For Dinner.” But what exactly is in your pork?
Is My Heart Safe from Food Poisoning Bug?
One of the most common causes of food poisoning is the bacteria E. coli. It can also cause high blood pressure, so researchers wanted to know: does it increase the risk of heart disease?
Salmonella Closes Peanut Butter Plant
Even foods labeled “organic” can be contaminated with salmonella. That's the lesson learned from the FDA's recent closure of America's biggest processor of organic peanut butter.
Food Safety Tips for Your T-Day Turkey
It's stressful to be the person responsible for cooking the centerpiece of the Thanksgiving meal: the turkey. It's got to be tasty, but more importantly, it has to be cooked safely.
Grocery Store Salad Mix Sickens 19
The salad mix is called " Wegman's Food You Feel Good About Organic Spinach & Spring Mix". Unfortunately, 19 of those who ate it feel less than good about it.
Mangoes Linked to Salmonella
Mexico is the world's largest supplier of mangoes. But the fruit has had a hard time getting across the border since being linked to an outbreak of salmonella in the U.S. and Canada.