Health News

This Vitamin May Help Lower Stroke Risk
As stroke becomes an increasingly common health risk, researchers look for ways patients can lower their risk. And they might have found one.
Concerns About Common Cholesterol Rx Abound
Patients like to think medications will simply make them better, but often, side effect risks are involved. Some experts are expressing concerns that these risks are too great for a common cholesterol medication.
How Childhood Habits May Affect Heart Health
Heart health isn't just a concern of those in middle age or the elderly. Childhood habits may have an effect on future heart health.
Why Some Patients May Not Need Heart Screening
If you're worried about heart disease, at least you might be able to skip the fancy screening. Using high-tech diagnostic procedures for heart disease screening may be unnecessary for many patients.
This Vitamin May Not Lower Blood Pressure
Just because people with low vitamin D levels often have high blood pressure doesn't mean that more vitamin D will fix the problem.
Cancer Patients Live On
Cancer is a scary diagnosis, but there’s some really good news out there these days — more people are surviving.
Got Arthritis? Take Care of Your Teeth
If those aching joints are a result of rheumatoid arthritis, it may be a signal to take extra care of your teeth.
High Spirits, Low Stress Might Lift up Heart
Depression and stress can damage heart health. Put both conditions together, and it may cause a double-whammy that amplifies heart risks.
Menopause Rx: The Heart of the Matter
The use of hormones during menopause was once thought to protect against heart disease, but that may not be the case.
For Your Heart’s Sake, Get out of Your Chair
Sitting may feel nice, especially after a long day. Too much of it, however, isn't doing your heart health any favors.