Health News

The Risks of Youth E-Cig Use
Experimenting is often how kids and teens learn. Experimenting with electronic cigarettes, however, may be risky.
Treating Troubled Sleep to Treat a Troubled Heart
Irregular breathing from sleep apnea has been linked to the irregular heart rhythm called atrial fibrillation. Treating sleep apnea, however, may lower the risk of atrial fibrillation happening again.
Weighing the Benefits of Statins
Cholesterol medication can be lifesaving for older patients, but that doesn't mean taking it is risk-free.
Strategies That May Keep Your Brain Sharp
Everybody gets older — not just the body, but also the brain. There are, however, some things you can do that may help keep your thought processes humming along despite the extra mileage.
An Aspirin a Day: Benefits and Risks
Aspirin use is surging among older adults. The question is whether that’s a good thing.
Even a Few Smokes a Day Can Raise Your Risks
If you think smoking just a few cigarettes a day keeps you free from the many risks of smoking, you may want to think again.
New Heart Failure Rx Approved
Heart failure patients may soon have a new treatment option.
Using Food Labels to Cut Back on Salt
If you're at risk of high blood pressure, you've likely heard these words from your doctor: "Watch your salt intake!" But how many Americans are effectively using food labels to help them cut back on salty foods?
Divorce Might Lead to More Than Just Heartache
Getting divorced may literally break your heart.
How Height Might Affect Heart Health
Being short may have implications that extend beyond height and into the realm of heart health.