Health News

Post Stroke Language Impairment Ups Costs
Patients who develop language impairment during the first year after a stroke may need to open their pocketbook a little wider. Language impairment appears to add substantial costs to post-stroke care.
Stem Cells Help Hearts Heal
Following a heart attack, stem cell therapy appears to offer a moderate heart function benefit by repairing and reducing damage after blood supply to the heart is restricted.
Absorbing Stent Posts Early Trial Success
A new bioabsorbable stent used to prop open blood vessels following a procedure to open blocked arteries has shown promise in an early trial among coronary artery disease patients.
Monitoring for Another Stroke in Real Time
About a third of hospitalized stroke patients have another stroke, but constant monitoring can be tough for medical staff. A small monitor that attaches to a patient's brow may help doctors detect strokes sooner.
Gene Mutation Linked to Heart Failure Discovered
New genome sequencing techniques have helped researchers successfully analyze TTN , the largest gene in the human genome. They've found that mutations in this gene are linked to a common type of heart failure.
Women With PAD Undertreated But Higher Risk
Peripheral artery disease (PAD) affects men and women nearly equally. Yet women are still more likely to go undiagnosed, even though the serious circulatory disease can nearly triple their risk of stroke and heart attack.
Motoring Your Way to a Stroke
Sitting in afternoon gridlock doesn't do any favors for your heart. New research suggests that traffic-related air pollution increases the risk of an ischemic stroke.
Keep On Practicing
Practice makes perfect, they say, but keep on practicing even after perfection. Continued practice makes the body more efficient - so that the same tasks use less energy.
Doctors are singing "Let's Get Physical"
Among the most common pieces of advice offered by doctors to their patients: start running, biking, walking, swimming, playing tennis or whatever it takes to get in regular exercise.
Heartbeat Vibrations Can Power Pacemakers
Scientists have long searched for an alternative to surgically replacing batteries in a pacemaker, which helps regulate an irregular heartbeat. A prototype draws its energy from a surprising source.