Health News

Is the Winter Chill Affecting Your Heart?
Heart disease patients may have an added reason to skip even simple activities such as shoveling snow on chilly days. They appear to be at an added risk of suffering coronary events when the air is cold.
Take a Liver Test Before Taking Statin Drugs
U.S. Food and Drug Administration officials have announced they will no longer recommend regular liver enzyme testing for patients taking one of several popular cholesterol-lowering drugs such as Lipitor ( atorvastatin ).
Mortality Risk Established for Genetic Heart Rhythm Disorders
Investigators have found a method for predicting the mortality risk among patients with inherited heart rhythm disorders. The finding is also expected to help doctors know when to screen and treat family members.
Heart Arrhythmia Linked to Cognitive Decline
You may be aware of the short-term risks associated with heart arrhythmias. However, atrial fibrillation, a common type of abnormal heartbeat, also appears to come with added risks later in life.
Fish Oil Helps Teensy Hearts
Babies unable to grow to the size they're genetically supposed to reach suffer from intrauterine growth restriction, a risk factor for future cardiovascular problems.
Family History Pins Down Risky Heart Patients
It's no secret that having a family history of cardiovascular disease puts you at a higher risk of developing it. Better collecting family history appears to be key to identifying high risk patients and saving lives.
Citrus Fruits Lower Stroke Risk for Women
Citrus fruits such as oranges and grapefruits do more than function as a tasty snack. In women, a compound found in citrus fruits also appears to lower the risk of stroke.
Gel Injection Could Reverse Heart Attack Damage
During a heart attack, tissue dies when it is deprived of oxygen, causing permanent damage that typically lessens the heart's pumping ability. A newly designed hydrogel may treat that tissue damage.
FDA Backs Weight Loss Drug Qnexa
A U.S. Food and Drug Administration panel has approved investigational diet drug Qnexa designed to treat obesity in adults. The panel had previously rejected the weight loss drug in 2010 based on safety concerns.
Painless Heart Attacks Deadly for Women
Women, especially those that are younger, are more likely to suffer a heart attack without painful chest symptoms. A new study suggests they also are less likely to survive.