Health News

Biodegradable Stents Safe Long Term
A lengthy study has found that experimental biodegradable coronary artery stents, designed to prop open clogged coronary arteries to increase blood flow, are safe long term.
No Need to Block B3 Side Effects
Niacin, also known as vitamin B3 , is the only drug that boosts good HDL cholesterol. Patients commonly stop taking it because of facial flushing, also known as the "niacin flush."
Fish Oil Doesn't Cut Heart Risk
Omega-3 fatty acids, commonly found in fish, squid, flaxseed and plant oils, may not be your ticket to heart health. Omega-3 supplements were not found to protect cardiovascular patients from future heart events.
Experimental Device Warns of Heart Attack
An experimental implantable medical device could help heart patients seek treatment sooner by warning them if they suffer a suspected heart attack.
Fatty Foods Damage Arteries Early
Consuming a high fat diet doesn't just cause you to pack on the pounds. It also may prematurely damage your blood vessels, which could lead to high blood pressure and coronary artery disease.
FDA Safety Warnings Change for Birth Control Pill
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a safety warning for birth control pills containing drospirenone . Birth control containing this synthetic hormone may put women at increased risk for blood clots.
Hypertension Meds Safe for Heart Failure
Previous studies have suggested that the hypertension drug losartan could lower survival among heart failure patients. However, new research suggests high doses of C ozaar ( losartan ) does not contribute to an increased risk of dying.
Diet Soda Getting a bad rap?
The debate rages on… are diet drinks okay when trying to cut calories when you're losing weight? Or do they put you at higher risk for heart disease, as some recent studies have claimed?
Predicting Heart Events in the Elderly
Doctors may have found another method for identifying seemingly healthy elderly patients with an increased risk of developing coronary heart disease or a subsequent heart attack.
Do you Know Your 45-day Heart Attack Risk?
Patients educated about their potential risk of a heart attack tend to make different choices regarding emergency room testing when they suffer from chest pain.