Health News
Statins May Keep Breast Cancer at Bay
Years ago, cholesterol-lowering statin medications were thought to possibly cause cancer, bur large clinical trials disproved that therapy. Now, it seems these drugs may actually do just the opposite.
A One-Two Punch Knocks HER2 Out
Cancer researchers are doing more with existing drugs - looking for other applications of some and combining therapies. A combination cocktail seems to work well with HER2-positive breast cancer.
Do Deodorants Cause Breast Cancer?
If you use deodorant or cosmetics, you've been exposed to parabens . This preservative is used in a number of products, including pharmaceuticals and even some foods. So are these chemicals linked to cancer - particularly breast cancer?
How Obesity Weighs on Cancer Screenings
Does obesity play a role in whether or not people undergo various types of cancer screening? The simple answer is "yes." The more nuanced answer says it depends on the individual's gender, race and type of cancer screening.
At Last - Possible Therapy for Brain Metastasis
Progress is being made on most oncology fronts. Unfortunately, brain metastasis remains something medicine hasn't touched in an effective way. Researchers may have found a new opening in resolving the greatest challenge women with advanced breast cancer face.
Estrogen Blockers may Block Melanoma too
More and more, we're hearing about unintended consequences and side effects of medicines that have been on the market sometimes for years. Women who have beaten breast cancer can bask in new findings about a medication most of them take.
When Breast Cancer Returns
The only thing more challenging and scary than being diagnosed with breast cancer is having the disease reappear or metastasize (spread). Recent research describes the nature of metastatic and recurrent breast cancer.
Regaining Calm After the Cancer Storm
After being diagnosed with and treated for breast cancer, a woman's world can become fuzzy and a little darker than before. Depression is common. And now researchers are finding a way to calm away these blues.
Risks of a Life-Saving Surgery for Women
Women at risk of ovarian cancer are sometimes encouraged to get their ovaries removed. While ovary removal surgery can save a woman's life, it also may raise the risk of other health problems.
No Virtue in Virtual Visits
Computers are taking over just about every area of our lives. They're even being used for medical visits. So what are the predominant attitudes about visiting with physicians virtually?