Health News
Healthy Life, Longer Life for Cancer Patients
Whether it's walking, swimming or lifting weights, being active pays off now. And maintaining the activity pays off later, especially to help former cancer patients live longer lives.
Currying Favor Against Cancer
Turmeric is the pungent, pumpkin colored spice that gives curry its distinctive color and taste. Curcumin is the active ingredient in turmeric that has been used for medicinal purposes for thousands of years.
Hormone Tied to Three Deadly Diseases
Your body is linked together through a complex system we still know little about. As such, diseases are related in ways still unknown. Now, researchers have pinpointed a hormone linked to three deadly diseases.
The Lost Years of Cancer
The big C takes a chunk out of human life, wherever it appears – in whatever form. The lost years and the lost productivity take their toll not just on individuals and their families – but the entire world.
HIV Rx May Become New HER2+ Treatment
Right now, fast-moving HER2-positive breast cancer is a tough one to battle. That fact may be changing, thanks to the findings that an existing medication may be the answer.
Mind Over Matter Keeps Up Exercise
Confidence often comes from the heart and believing in oneself. And that belief can help people keep to their routine, particularly cancer patients, when it comes to exercise.
Breast Cancer Fattens Up With Fat Cells
You probably know that obesity is a risk factor for breast cancer. And if you don’t, you know now. New science shows that breast cancer loves a substance in fat cells.
Exercise Away Diabetic Breast Cancer
Some studies have linked diabetes to an increased risk of breast cancer. It is also known that exercise is key to preventing and managing diabetes. So, can exercise also lower the risk of breast cancer in diabetic women?
Implanting Knowledge Before Breast Reconstructive Surgery
Radiation is used after breast cancer surgery to kill any remaining cancer cells. It’s given after both lumpectomy (breast-conserving surgery) and mastectomy that removes the entire breast. Radiation therapy can and does have an impact on breast reconstruction.
Which is Better – Film or Digital Mammography?
Film – X-ray film – has been used for taking mammograms for over 40 years. The main problem with film is that it doesn’t pick up everything. And as with everything else in the world, along comes a digital form of mammography.