Health News
Using Tobacco: One Way or Another
Cigarette prices jumped and cigarette smoking declined. This did not mean people were using less tobacco products though. Cigar and pipe tobacco sales have skyrocketed.
Teen Steroid Abuse
Steroid abuse is always bad, but for teens the damage can be more serious and last longer. Steroids can change the way an adolescent’s brain develops and vital organs function.
Anti-Impulsive Drug
What if impulsive behavior could be regulated by a drug that already exists? Would that open doors for treating addiction due to improper dopamine regulation in the brain?
Diverted Medical Marijuana
Regulations in Colorado have not been successful in keeping teens in substance abuse treatment programs from illegally getting their hands on medical marijuana. But can new laws really help?
Seniors Unlikely to Change
Healthy lifestyle changes after being diagnosed with a serious illness can improve quality of life. But, people over 50 are more prone to keep doing the same old thing.
Making it Tough for Minors to Smoke
Two decades ago, Congress decided to crack down on illegal tobacco sales to minors. The 2011 report showed that federal and state efforts have really paid off.
Weight Gain After Quitting
Not everyone gains weight when they quit smoking but, unfortunately, about 84 percent do. Making the effort to not overeat for the first few months after quitting could help.
Changing College Drinking Habits
College kids can hurt others or themselves when they engage in risky drinking behavior. Community interventions can help in the long run. A recent study designed a plan to combat high-risk drinking behavior on college campuses.
Ecstasy is Bad for the Memory
What exactly does ecstasy do to the brain? Everyone has a different answer, but now science provides some clarity.
Hookah Goes to College
Nearly a quarter of college freshman girls smoke hookahs. Alcohol and marijuana use were common predictors of hookah smoking, as well.